## Zostavovanie LaTeX dokumentov ináč a využitie dedičnosti pri tvorbe šablón
/ [**OSS Conf 2018**](http://ossconf.soit.sk)
### Me, Myself and $\LaTeX$
* I am not a regular $\LaTeX$ guy ;)
* I am only ocasional $\LaTeX$ guy
* template for diploma/bachelor thesis in 2016
* hard to maintain (by email only, once upon a time)
* big plans...
* almost gave up, when I took a closer look
* the result: https://git.kpi.fei.tuke.sk/tuke/thesis.in.latex
## Latexmk
* completely automates the process of compiling $\LaTeX$ document
* similar to `make` utility
* determines dependencies automatically
* can run continuously with suitable previewer
* `latexmk` is rerun whenever one of the source files is modified
* preview is updated automatically
## Basic Usage
$ latexmk file
* generates `.dvi` file by default
## Recommended Usage
$ latexmk -pdf -bibtex -pvc -shell-escape file
* `-pdf` - by default `latexmk` generates _dvi_
* `-bibtex` - when bbl files are used, regenerates them automatically
* `-pvc` - mnemonic of _"preview continuously"_
* `-sheel-escape`
## Cleanup
$ latexmk -C
* clean up (remove) all regeneratable files generated by `latex` and `bibtex` or `biber`
* with `.dvi`, `.ps` and `.pdf` files
## Don't Hack Core!
Use inheritance instead :-*
## Defining New Document Class
% name of the new document class
\ProvidesClass{oss-conf}[2018/07/2 OSS Conf, v2018.1]
% specify the base class
## Adding Dependencies
% Dependencies
sorting=none, %ydnt,
## Header and Footer
% Header and Footer
\fancyhead[LO]{\nouppercase{\leftmark: \rightmark}}
## Own Commands
\renewcommand{\title}[2]{ %
\newcommand{\keywords}[2]{ %
## What to Keep in Main Document
* babel - language can differ
## Translations
* [**babel**](https://ctan.org/pkg/babel) - Multilingual support
\def\keywordstname{Kľúčové slová}
* [**translations**](https://ctan.org/pkg/translations) - I18n of $\LaTeX2ε$ packages
\DeclareTranslation{slovak}{keywords}{Kľúčové slová}
## Handling Bibliography
* BibTex/BibLaTeX/Biber
* iso-690 positive
* http://www.ottobib.com/
## Dedicated to Pavel Stříž
