## PyWeek 26: Herným vývojárom ľahko a rýchlo
#### Herným vývojárom ľahko a rýchlo
mirek@cnl.sk / [**OSS Víkend**](https://ossvikend.sk/index.html)
* Write a game
* in Python
* from scratch
* in exactly one week
## Reasons to participate
* Practice your Python programming
* Try programming something different
* Unleash your creativity
* Finish a real project
* Maybe, just maybe, you could win and get all the kudos
Since 1998

### Pygame Zero is for creating games without boilerplate.

## Installation
* Raspberry Pi - builtin
* `sudo dnf install pgzero mu`
* `pip install pgzero mu-editor`

## Project Structure
├── game.py
├── sounds/
│ ├── tick.wav
│ └── pong.wav
└── images/
├── ball-blue.png
├── brick-green.png
├── brick-grey.png
├── brick-purple.png
├── brick-red.png
├── brick-yellow.png
└── paddle-blue.png
## Pygame Handles

## Links
* [this presentation](http://bit.ly/2S29QSg)
* [PyWeek](https://pyweek.org/)
* [Pygame Zero homepage](https://pygame-zero.readthedocs.io/) ([sk](https://pgzero-slovak.readthedocs.io/sk/latest/index.html))
* [Game Implementation from Conference Live Coding@github](https://github.com/bletvaska/arkanoid)