## Autorské nástroje v jazyku Markdown miroslav.binas@tuke.sk / [**OSS Conf 2019**](http://ossconf.soit.sk/)
## Once Upon a Time... * project [IT4KT](http://it4kt.kpi.fei.tuke.sk/) * goal - to create a format for edu with keywords common for teachers * `<goal>`, `<step>`, `<task>` * based on _XML_ * has schema, support in many tools * conversions with XSLT transformations * building our own set of tools
## Markdown > **Markdown** is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. Its design allows it to be converted to many output formats. > ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown))
## Markdown Example ```markdown # Heading ## Sub-heading Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Text attributes _italic_, **bold**, `monospace`. Bullet list: * apples * oranges * pears Numbered list: 1. wash 2. rinse 3. repeat An [example](http://example.com) ![Image](images/markdown.png) ```
## [Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/) * a universal document converter * support for [dozens](https://pandoc.org/) of formats * usage: ```bash pandoc -f markdown -t html5 file.md pandoc -f markdown -t latex file.md pandoc -f markdown -t epub file.md ```
[![Pro Git Book](images/pro.git.book.png)](https://git-scm.com/book/)
[![GitBook Logo](images/logo-gitbook.png)](https://www.gitbook.com/)
## GitBook Features * online authoring tool * sources available on [Github](https://github.com/) * results are available for download as _HTML_, _PDF_ and _EPUB3_ * extensible with [plugins](https://docs.gitbook.com/v2-changes/important-differences#plugins)
[![GitBook Editor](images/gitbook.editor.png)](https://legacy.gitbook.com/editor)
## GitBook Legacy * [GitBook](https://www.gitbook.com/) has changed :-( * [GitBook Legacy](https://legacy.gitbook.com/) is still available as [npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/gitbook) * to install: ```bash npm install gitbook-cli -g ``` * to use: ```bash gitbook init gitbook serve gitbook build ```
## Story Continues... * Static Site Generators * [Static Gen](https://www.staticgen.com/) - A List of Static Site Generators for JAMstack Sites * looking for Static Gen written in Python...
[![Github Pages](images/github.pages.png)](https://pages.github.com/)
## (My) State of the Art * Jekyll powers this [presentation](http://bit.ly/2JhtrdE) at [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com/) * and all of [my talks](https://bletvaska.github.io/) * Jekyll powers two of my courses at [Gitlab](https://git.kpi.fei.tuke.sk/) * [Programovanie](https://kurzy.kpi.fei.tuke.sk/pvjc/) * [Základy Internetu vecí](http://kpi.pages.kpi.fei.tuke.sk/iot1/) * Jekyll powers [Namakaný deň](http://namakanyden.sk)
## Questions
![qr code](https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=http://bit.ly/2JhtrdE&size=300x300) (**http://bit.ly/2JhtrdE**)