## Robíme IoT s ESP32 v jazyku MicroPython #### Time to Say Goodbye to Arduino miroslav.binas@tuke.sk / [**OSS Conf 2019**](http://ossconf.soit.sk/)
![micro:bit](images/microbit.png) Note: * https://www.womenofwearables.com/blogwrite/announcing-partnership-with-bbc-microbit-educational-foundation
![Mu](images/mu.png) ## [Mu](https://codewith.mu/): A Python Code Editor
![ESP32](images/esp32.png) Notes: * https://www.mouser.co.uk/new/espressif/espressif-esp32-devkitc-boards/
![ESP32 Block Diagram](images/esp32-block-diagram.png) Notes: * https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/home_page_posts/2/0/1/7/
## DHT22 ```python from dht import DHT22 from machine import Pin from time import sleep sensor = DHT22(Pin(22)) while True: sensor.measure() print(sensor.temperature(), sensor.humidity()) sleep(5) ```
## WiFi ```python import network iface = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not iface.isconnected(): print('connecting to network...') iface.active(True) iface.connect('ssid', 'password') while not iface.isconnected(): pass print('network config:', iface.ifconfig()) ```
## MQTT ```python from umqtt.robust import MQTTClient # connecting to broker client = MQTTClient('client-id', 'broker-ip') client.connect() # publishing message client.publish('messages', 'hello world') ```
## [IBM Watson IoT](https://quickstart.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com/#/)
## Get Ready for Watson * no direct support for _Watson_ * install appropriate package with `upip` * _MicroPython_ version of `pip` * packages for _MicroPython_ have prefix `micropython-` * install `micropython-watson-iot` package: ```python import upip upip.install('micropython-watson-iot') ```
## ESP32 with Watson ```python from watson_iot import Device device = Device(device_id='esp32-dht22', device_type='my-device-type', token='my-device-token') device.connect() device.publishEvent('temperature', {'degrees': 30.7, 'unit': 'C'}) ```
## The Final Code ```python # imports ... sensor = DHT22(Pin(23)) device = Device(device_id='esp32-with-dht22', device_type='type', token='token') device.connect() while True: sensor.measure() temp = sensor.temperature() device.publishEvent('temperature', {'degrees': temp, 'unit': 'C'}) sleep(10) ```
### This Talk is Dedicated to... ![Fedora Call to Play with MicroPython at Pycon 2019](images/fedora.call.png) #### ...unknown guy from Fedora. Thank you, you have changed my life :-*
## Questions?
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