## Programovanie počítačovýh hier
#### alebo nie príliš stručný úvod do programovania v jazyku Python
miroslav.binas@tuke.sk / [**Hands Off 2019**](http://kpi.pages.kpi.fei.tuke.sk/hands-off/)
15.10.2019 o 17:30–23:00 (Jedlíkova 7)
## Hráte sa počítačové hry?

## Naprogramovali ste si vlastnú počítačovú hru?

* https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2bdFsD_0HXI/maxresdefault.jpg
Since 1998

### Pygame Zero is for creating games without boilerplate.
* https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/35_PygameZero.jpg
## Installation
* Raspberry Pi - builtin
* `sudo dnf install pgzero mu`
* `pip install pgzero mu-editor`
## Warning!
(no best practices provided)

* http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/images/game-loop-simple.png
## Project Structure
├── invaders.py
├── sounds/
│ ├── beep.wav
│ └── jingle.wav
└── images/
├── background.png
├── invader.png
├── laser.png
└── player.png
## 2D Coordinate System

## Actor Fields and Methods
* `actor.x`, `actor.y`, `actor.pos`
* `actor.image`
* `actor.width`, `actor.height`
* `actor.draw()`
## Pygame Handles

* https://treadgaming.blogspot.com/2016/06/video-game-physics-tutorial-part-ii.html
## Links
* [projekt](arkanoid.zip) - výsledný projekt
* [assets](https://kenney.nl/assets/puzzle-pack) - stolen from [Kenney.nl](https://kenney.nl)
* [Pygame Zero homepage](https://pygame-zero.readthedocs.io/) ([sk](https://pgzero-slovak.readthedocs.io/sk/latest/index.html))
* [Wireframe](https://wireframe.raspberrypi.org/) and [MagPi](https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/) Magazines
* [Mission Python](https://nostarch.com/missionpython) ([YouTube Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=_2aglIeW1kQ))
* [PyWeek](https://pyweek.org/) - Python Game Programming Challenge
