## Writing Good Bash Scripts #### updated version for 2023 [Mirek Biňas](https://bletvaska.github.io) / [**DevOps Adv Training**]()
## Intro * I am not an enthusiastic _bash ~~stripter~~ scripter_ * bash is not suitable for every problem * it's great tool for piping of different solutions/tools * works as **glue** * it's **swiss army knife** of every _DevOps_ * following list is not complete
## #0 The principles of [Clean Code](https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/program/Martin-Clean-Code-A-Handbook-of-Agile-Software-Craftsmanship/PGM63937.html) apply to Bash as well! note: * https://bertvv.github.io/cheat-sheets/Bash.html
## #1 Readibility Counts! more than wherever
* use **readable** and **meaningful** names * `snake_style_for_long_names` * **always** use **long parameter notation** when available * increases readibility especially for lesser known/used commands that you don’t remember all the options for * capitalization of var names: * `${ALL_CAPS}` for global and env (exported) vars * `${lower_case}` for local vars note: * https://bertvv.github.io/cheat-sheets/Bash.html * https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html#s7-naming-conventions - style guide
## #2 `printf` is Preferable to `echo`
* [various reasons](https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/65819) why `printf` is preferable to `echo` such as: * more control over the output * more portable and reliable * behaviour is defined better * follows MTV/MVC pattern
## #3 Don't Forget About Portability!
### Portable `Hello world!` ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash printf "Hello world!\n" ``` * from `env` manpage - `env` runs a program in a modified environment * looks for interpreter in `$PATH`
## #4 Stop on Error Immediately!
### Erroneous Script (Don't Try at Home!) ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash printf "Get ready for some magic!\n" folder = "tmp/cache" rm --recursive --force "${HOME}/${folder}" printf "Enjoy ;)\n" ```
### Erroneous Script (Don't Try at Home!) ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash printf "Get ready for some magic!\n" folder = "tmp/cache" # syntax error rm --recursive --force "${HOME}/${folder}" printf "Enjoy ;)\n" ```
### Erroneous Script (Don't Try at Home!) ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash printf "Get ready for some magic!\n" folder = "tmp/cache" # syntax error rm --recursive --force "${HOME}/${folder}" # still reachable printf "Enjoy ;)\n" # still reachable ```
### Start This Way ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash set -o errexit # stop when error occurs set -o pipefail # if not, expressions like `error here | true` # will always succeed set -o nounset # detects uninitialised variables set -o xtrace # prints every expression # before executing it (debugging) printf "Get ready for some magic!\n" folder = "tmp/cache" # syntax error rm --recursive --force "${HOME}/${folder}" # no more reachable printf "Enjoy ;)\n" # no more reachable ```
## #5 Enclose Vars as `"${variable}"`!
* _escaping_ * the `'"'` helps with variables with white spaces ```bash $ track="with or without you.mp3" $ file $track # file with or withou you.mp3 with: cannot open `with' (No such file or directory) or: cannot open `or' (No such file or directory) without: cannot open `without' (No such file or directory) you.mp3: cannot open `you.mp3' (No such file or directory) ```
* the `'{}'` are not necessary, but are used in _bash expansion_: * string interpolation: ```bash "${variable}.yml" ``` * default (fallback) value: ```bash "${variable:-something_else}" ``` * string replacement (all occurrencies): ```bash "${variable//from/to}" ```
## #6 Use `[[ expr ]]` Instead of `[ expr ]`! note: * `[[` - extension of bash * `[` - short for `test`
## Cool Features I. * no need to enclose variables into quotes ```bash [[ -f ${file} ]] # vs. [ -f "${file}" ] [[ $var == "joe" ]] # vs. [ "$var" = "joe" ] ``` * support for operators `"&&"` and `"||"` ```bash [[ "${USERNAME}" == "root" && $(id --group) == 1 ]] ``` * string comparision with `"<"` and `">"` ```bash [[ "apple" < "banana" ]] ``` note: ```bash [ $var = "joe" ] ```
## Cool Features II. * operator `"=~"` for regex comparisions ```bash [[ "${answer}" =~ ^y(es)?$ ]] ``` * support for _globbing_ ```bash [[ "${answer}" = y* ]] ```
## #7 Don't Use External Tools whose Functions `bash` Handles!
* one of the most common (unconscious) mistakes * most common `grep`, `awk`, `sed`, `bc`, `expr`, e.g.: ```bash size=$(du -hs images/ | awk '{print $1}') ``` can be solved with bash as ```bash array=($(du -hs images/)) size=${array[0]} ``` * instead of `seq 1 10` use `{1..10}`
## #8 Use Variable Annotations!
### Anotation `readonly` * for **readonly variables** such as constants * if you need globals, mark them as `readonly`! * example: ```bash readonly PI=3.14159265359 ```
### Anotation `local` * for local variables inside of functions * **prefer local variables** within functions over global variables * **always** declare variables with a meaningful names for positional parameters of functions! * example: ```bash function greetings(){ local name="${1}" printf "Hello %s!\n" "${name}" } ```
## #9 Write Safe and Readable Functions, which apply SRP!
### Single Responsibility Principle > A function does one thing. > > -- [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_responsibility_principle)
* describe the usage of each function: * number of arguments * return value * output * declare `local` variables with a meaningful name for positional parameters of functions * check positional parameters ```bash function greeting(){ local name="${1:?Error: Parameter name was not set.}" printf "Hello %s!\n" "${name}" } ``` notes: * https://betterprogramming.pub/5-bash-scripting-power-tips-bfd919b619c1
## #10 Use Modular Approach!
* write scripts in modules (not a single file) * easy maintenance * easy navigation * modules are separated by functionality * script can be extended with new functionality with `source` ```bash # ... source "${LIBS}/helper.sh" # ... ```
## Detect Sourcing * detect, if the script is being run directly, or if it is just being sourced ```bash # call the func only if the script is executed directly if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then main "$@" fi ``` * script can be executed normally, but if it is sourced, **only the function definitions will be imported** without doing anything else note: * https://advancedweb.hu/unit-testing-bash-scripts/
* _"Don't comment everything!"_ - general Google coding comment practice * _"Don’t comment bad code — rewrite it."_ - B. W. Kernighan and P. J. Plaugher * _"...adding comments is an anti-pattern."_ notes: * https://medium.com/swlh/stop-adding-comments-to-your-code-80a3575519ad * https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html#s4-comments
* start each file with a brief description of its contents in **file/module header** * copyright or author info are optional ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash # # Initializes the AWS machine. # ``` notes: * https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html#s4-comments
* function comments should describe the intended API behaviour using: * (brief) **description** of the operation * list of **global variables** used * expected **input arguments** * **outputs** to `stdout` or `stderr` * expected **return values** (exit status) notes: * https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html#s4-comments * https://phoenixnap.com/kb/bash-comment * https://www.shell-tips.com/bash/comments/#gsc.tab=0
```bash # Brief description # # Full description # # Globals: # none # Arguments: # $1 - expression # Returns: # 0 - expression evaluates to TRUE # 1 - otherwise # Outputs: # STDERR - details, on failure function del_thing() { } ```
## #12 Write Scripts so That They can be Tested!
* approach: close everything to the function, so it can be tested ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash function main(){ printf "Hello world!\n" } if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then main "$@" fi ```
* many tools are available for testing in bash (e.g. [bats](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats)) ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bats load "libs/bats-support/load.bash" load "libs/bats-assert/load.bash" source "script.bash" @test 'if main is invoked, then "Hello world!" is printed out' { run main assert [[ "${output}" == "Hello world!" ]] } ```
## #13 Avoid Usage of Temporary Files!
* problem - concurent execution of script * overwriting temp files with same path leads to wrong behavior/result * some commands expect filenames as params * pipelining does not work * operator `<()` ```bash jq -r .client_ip <(http http://worldtimeapi.org/api/ip) ```
* **Here Documents** are useful for long strings ```bash cat <<EOF Usage: cat [OPTION] [FILE]... Concatenate FILE(s) to standard output. EOF ``` * **Here String** is variant of _Here Document_, useful instead of piping ```bash jq -r '."Content-Type"' <<< "${response}" ```
* if temporary file is needed, use `mktemp` * creates a temporary file or directory
## #14 Store Config in the Environment!
> An app’s config is **everything that is likely to vary between deploys** (staging, production, developer environments, etc). > > -- [The Twelve-Factor App](https://12factor.net/config) note: * https://12factor.net/config
* **strict separation of config from code** is required! * don't use constant vars for config in app code! * possibly use defaults * `"${BASE_URL:-localhost}"` * possible issue - if forgot to set env var, unexpected behaviour can occure
* config should be stored in **env variables** * env vars are easy to change between deploys without changing any code * the preffered way, how to communicate with apps from outside of apps * approach is used also in apps running in containers
* source and export your env vars **before** running the app ```bash $ set -o allexport \ # export all created vars (-a) && source local.env \ # source the env variables && set +o allexport \ # dissable auto export (+a) && script.bash # run the script ``` * source and export your env vars **only for running the app** ```bash $ env $(cat local.env) script.bash ```
## #15 Always Use Linter!
> **Lint** or a **linter**, is a static code analysis tool used to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors and suspicious constructs. It helps to increase the quality of code. > > -- [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linter_%28software%29)
[![Comix](images/shellcheck.png)](https://wizardzines.com/comics/shellcheck/) notes: * https://wizardzines.com/comics/shellcheck/
### [ShellCheck](https://www.shellcheck.net/) * Shell script analysis tool * contains [Gallery of bad code](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/blob/master/README.md#user-content-gallery-of-bad-code) * shows, what kind of things does ShellCheck look for * available in your Linux distro * available as [VS Code extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=timonwong.shellcheck)
### Use Linter ASAP! * helps you to **avoid same issues** in future * helps you to **eliminate bad habits** * helps you **become better scripter**
## [[ Tips && Tricks && Snippets ]]
* for [various reasons](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9449778/what-is-the-benefit-of-using-instead-of-backticks-in-shell-scripts) use `$(cmd)` instead of ` `cmd` ` * `$()` stands visually better (readibility counts) * major reason is ability of nesting ```bash local parent=$(basename $(dirname $PWD)) ``` looks better than ```bash local parent=`basename \`dirname $PWD\`` ```
* **always** print error messages on standard error output with log-like function ```bash function error(){ local message="${*}" printf "ERROR: %s\n" "${message}" 1>&2; } ``` or make output of block to print on error output ```bash { printf "This is\n" printf "critical error.\n" } 1>&2 ```
* add `||` to commands expected to fail ```bash ls /root || { printf "Error\n" >&2 exit 1 } ``` note: * https://linuxhint.com/bash_error_handling/
* or make a function with uniform behaviour (similar to [`or die()`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.die.php) in [PHP](https://www.php.net/)) ```bash function or_exit(){ local exit_status="${?}" local message="${1}" [[ "${exit_status}" == 0 ]] || { printf "CRITICAL: %s\n" "${message}" 1>&2 exit "${exit_status}" } } ls /root or_exit "Can't list directory /root" ``` note: * https://stackoverflow.com/a/64331640/1671256
* enter the folder && do the job && return to origin folder ```bash ( cd folder/ # do the job ) ``` note: * https://bertvv.github.io/cheat-sheets/Bash.html
### Bash Script Template ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash # Simple bash script template. set -o errexit set -o pipefail set -o nounset [[ "${ENVIRONMENT:-prod}" == "devel" ]] && set -o xtrace # load modules source "libs/helper.bash" # global variables readonly GREETING="Hello" # the main function function main(){ greetings "world" } if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then main "$@" fi ```
### Bash Module Template ```bash # Example module with helper function. # Greets the target # # Globals: # GREETING # Arguments: # $1 - greeting target # Returns: # 0 - expression evaluates to TRUE # 1 - otherwise # Outputs: # STDOUT - greeting message function greetings(){ local target="${1:?Target not set.}" printf "%s %s!\n" "${GREETING}" "${target}" } ```
## VS Code Extensions * [ShellCheck](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=timonwong.shellcheck) - linter * [shell-format](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=foxundermoon.shell-format) - formatter * [Bats](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jetmartin.bats) - testing * [Bash Debug](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rogalmic.bash-debug) - debugging * generic ones: [indent-rainbow](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=oderwat.indent-rainbow), [EditorConfig for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=EditorConfig.EditorConfig)
## Questions?
## Resources * `man bash` * [Bash best practices](https://bertvv.github.io/cheat-sheets/Bash.html) * [The Twelve-Factor App](https://12factor.net/config) * [Clean Code](https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Code-Handbook-Software-Craftsmanship/dp/0132350882)
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