## Building lightweight Python Docker images [Miroslav "mirek" Biňas](https://bletvaska.github.io) / [**Tech Night**](https://www.facebook.com/events/843418984343396)
![thats me](images/mirek.na.hackathone.jpg)
## Once Upon a Time...
## Weather Scraper (simple CLI ETL tool in Python with [httpx](https://www.python-httpx.org) and [click](https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/stable/))
### Scrape Data ```python def scrape_data(query: str, units: str, appid: str) -> dict: print('>> Scrape data') url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather' params = { 'q': query, 'units': units, 'appid': appid } response = httpx.get(url, params=params) return response.json() ```
### Process Data ```python def process_data(data: dict) -> str: print('>> Process data') return '{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format( data['dt'], data['name'], data['sys']['country'], data['main']['temp'], data['main']['humidity'], data['main']['pressure'], ) ```
### Publish Data ```python def publish_data(line: str): print('>> Publishing data') # with open('dataset.csv', 'a') as dataset: # print(line, file=dataset) print(line) ```
### CLI Tool ```python #!/usr/bin/env python import click import httpx @click.command(help='Download current weather condition in CSV format.') @click.argument('query') @click.option('--units', type=click.Choice(['metric', 'standard', 'imperial']), default='metric', help='Unit of measurement') @click.option('--appid', default=None, help='API key for openweathermap.org service.', envvar='APPID') def main(query: str, units: str, appid: str): data = scrape_data(query, units, appid) processed_data = process_data(data) publish_data(processed_data) main() ```
### Running from CLI ```bash # token will be available during the talk ;) $ ./scraper.py --appid 98113cc2ea891cc2246900c7dc6a8038 kosice ```
### The Final Size ``` Python standard lib ~45MB + third party libs + source code + Docker base image ------------------------------- > 50MB ``` notes: * pozrime sa na to, z coho sa sklada vysledny Docker obraz: * standardna kniznica Python-u - okolo 45M, jedina istota v tomto zozname, s ktorou nevieme hybat * kniznice tretich stran - zalezi od toho, co vasa aplikacia vyzaduje * zdrojovy kod vasej aplikacie - ten zalezi od vasich kvalit * Docker base image - s
```shell $ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG SIZE python 3.12 1.02GB python 3.12-slim 124MB python 3.12-alpine 53.7MB gcr.io/distroless/python3-debian12 latest 52.8MB ``` notes: * docker image list --format ----- * pozrime sa na to, co mozeme pouzit ako zakladny obraz. vyberiem rovno obraz oficialny obraz pre python. k dispozicii mame 4 znacky a to su tieto 3: * 3.12 - postaveny na full debian-e, velkost >1GB * 3.12-slim - orezany debian len s Pythonom a zakladnymi balikmi * 3.12-alpine - je to distribucia Alpine s Pythonom, ale nemusi byt stabilna, velkost ~velkost Pythonu * Distro-Less Containers - tiez Debian, ale iba s Pythonom a potrebnymi kniznicami (nema shell), nutny multistage build * vyberiem si python:3.12-slim, ktory sa javi ako vhodny kompromis
## Dockerization! ```dockerfile FROM prefered-os RUN install-packages COPY app.py /app/ ENTRYPOINT python3 /app/app.py ```
```dockerfile # Dockerfile.slim FROM python:3.12-slim RUN pip install httpx click COPY scraper.py /app/scraper.py ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/bin/env", "python", "/app/scraper.py" ] ```
```bash $ docker image build --tag scraper:slim -f Dockerfile.slim . # after long time $ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG SIZE scraper slim 138MB python 3.12-slim 124MB $ docker container run --rm -it scraper:slim Usage: scraper.py [OPTIONS] QUERY Try 'scraper.py --help' for help. Error: Missing argument 'QUERY'. ```
[![](https://opengraph.githubassets.com/8a49cea330d250e142c2aa789bdf931367d1df53e6e63d3de10d9f6455780567/Nuitka/Nuitka)](https://github.com/Nuitka/Nuitka) notes: * zhruba od roku 2010
## Magic
## Modes of Operation ```shell $ nuitka --help ... --standalone Enable standalone mode for output. This allows you to transfer the created binary to other machines without it using an existing Python installation. This also means it will become big. It implies these option: "-- follow-imports" and "--python-flag=no_site". Defaults to off. --onefile On top of standalone mode, enable onefile mode. This means not a folder, but a compressed executable is created and used. Defaults to off. ... ``` notes: *
## The Usage ```bash # onefile mode $ nuitka --onefile scraper.py $ ls -lh scraper.bin -rwxr-xr-x. 1 mirek mirek 15M nov 14 10:19 scraper.bin* ``` ```bash # standalone $ nuitka --standalone scraper.py $ du -hs scraper.dist 62M scraper.dist/ $ cd scraper.dist $ upx -9 scraper.bin $ du -hs . 48M . ``` notes: * jednoduche pouzitie * v pripade `onefile` rezimu z neho vypadne jeden subor, ktory sa vola `scraper.bin` a je to staticky vykompilovana binarka * v pripade `standalone` je to priecinok s vykompilovanou binarkou, ktora sa este skomprimovat
![](images/docker.png) notes: * lets docker - najvyssi cas to cele supnut do dockeru a vytvorit docker obraz
### Stage 1: The Base ```Dockerfile FROM python:3.12-alpine AS base RUN apk add gcc \ python3-dev \ musl-dev \ ccache \ patchelf \ upx RUN pip install nuitka httpx click COPY scraper.py /app/scraper.py WORKDIR /app ```

Stage 2: The Nuitka

      # standalone mode

FROM base AS nuitka

RUN nuitka --standalone \
RUN cd scraper.dist \
    && upx -9 scraper.bin
      # onefile mode

FROM base AS nuitka

RUN nuitka --onefile scraper.py


Stage 3: The Production

      # standalone mode

FROM alpine:latest

COPY --from=nuitka \
    /app/scraper.dist/ /app/
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/scraper.bin"]
      # onefile mode

FROM alpine:latest

COPY --from=nuitka \
    /app/scraper.bin /app/
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/scraper.bin"]
## Let's Rock! ```bash $ docker image build \ --tag scraper:alpine --file Dockerfile.alpine . # after long time $ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG SIZE scraper alpine-onefile 22.9MB scraper alpine-standalone 48.9MB $ docker container run --rm -it scraper:alpine-onefile Usage: scraper.py [OPTIONS] QUERY Try 'scraper.py --help' for help. Error: Missing argument 'QUERY'. ```
## Other Options * [PyPy](https://pypy.org) - A fast, compliant alternative implementation of Python * [PyInstaller](https://pyinstaller.org/en/stable/) - PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package. * Cython * [AppImage](https://github.com/niess/python-appimage) - AppImage distributions of Python
## Questions?
![qr code](https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=https://bit.ly/3YOSg7B&size=300x300) (**https://bit.ly/3YOSg7B**)